Doctors and Practice Managers
87% of the Australian population visit their GP each year.
RACGP Health of the Nation 2018
The complexities of care and daily pressures experienced by doctors and managers in primary health is enormous. More and more, healthcare providers are moving towards more innovative frameworks to meet the demands of the Australian population.
Well-supported, team-based models, offer a more robust solution to health care, often resulting in a more holistic, patient cantered care.
Nurse-delivered clinics are often built around more proactive health care, identifying and preventing health risks before they arise.

Nurse Clinic Testimonials
“I think that's a really important shift in the way that we communicate with patients. I think that's something that I believe nurses are far better at doing than doctors. I think as doctors, we focus a lot on the numbers, on the medication, on the illness because that's our training. Whereas I guess with nursing, the focus is more on symptoms, activity and social coordination. Having that kind of two sides to the equation really allows us to do a far more kind of integrated assessment for the patients with health plans and positive outcomes.”
“I think, as nurses, we tend to look more at the psychosocial complications that are impacting on people's lives and that takes time. Doctors tend to look more at the physical and the biomedical model, whereas nurses tend to work outside of that. But I think together, they both work really well and there's overlap in terms of the skill set across the board.”
“But Subjectively, I feel patients are happier, their results are improving for the large part. I feel they feel this is a place that helps them to achieve what they wanted from their health rather than a place that you go to when you've got a problem. Which is a wonderful kind of switching perspective I think. Yeah, a lot of changes have come about thanks to this Wellness Clinic.”
“I certainly have a very different view of Sarah and Naomi because their capabilities are a huge, and I think this whole process has enabled them to actually practice individually as opposed to being guided constantly by doctors. They now have the skills and the confidence to be able to give quite a lot of evidenced education to patients. They're reading and studying all the time just out of interest, and they're constantly coming up with new ideas and new information for the practice.”
Clinic Success
“I think there's four or five people that we've probably cured of hep C, which is great.”
“The overall impact has been measurable in the different ways we've seen, catching skin lesions early, like an early basal cell cancer. So, that's going to make a big impact on that person's life by getting it early, rather than letting it become invasive.”
“But I think that as the doctors have seen the results of patients, their own patients who have come through and have lost weight and their blood pathology has come back and improved and they've come off medications and then they've been sending more and more patients to us. So I think it's quite highly thought of now.”
“This clinic has changed our nursing approach .. from reactive to proactive“